النتائج (
الإنجليزية) 2:
Genetic Basis
Chapter 2
distance measurement method of the group on the basis of many different traits recommended (Mahalanobis 1928).
This method is also known as digital "squares" (D2 - Mahalonobis). The analysis steps include:
(i) Collect data
(ii) level of significance test
(iii) Conversion of values
(iv) Calculate the number of D2
(v) Test the significance of D2 level with Chi-squared test
(vi) the level of contribution of the traits in the subgroups.
(vii) cluster group of genetic Rating:
- Method Tocher
- Canonical graph.
The analysis has found in fish biology statistical models
First, we set up a matrix containing the values of variance (variance) and co-variance (covariance) between traits related to each other, to figure out the equation of the variables change correlated.
Next, calculate the value pairs D2 and genetic subgroups. Calculated genetic distances in each group and between groups.
The genotypes in the same group at different genotype than in other groups. The coefficient D in much smaller groups than between groups coefficient D.
There are three important characteristics when selecting genotypes are:
- Choose parental genotype groups.
- Choose the genotypes in distance traveled tryuen groups with other groups as far as possible.
- Note the traits the highest level of contribution of the genetic differences.
Must continue to improve the hybridization experiment, specific new conclusion of heterosis between the two groups have long distances, as well as the separation of the progenies.
2-1. SAI SAI & INTEGRATED PRACTICE (variance, covariance)
(Σx) 2
Σx2 - -------
var x = ----------------------- ------------ (variance)
n - 1
Σxy - (ΣxΣy) / n
Cov xy = --------------------- ----- (where false)
n -1
metroglyph method and the evaluation index was Anderson proposal from 1957. After that, many other authors have developed this method as Ramanujam and Kumar ( 1964), Mukherjee et al. (1971), Venketrao et al. (1973)
PD2 = b1d1 + b2d2 + + .... + bpdp b3d3
PD2 = wij (mean xi1 - xi2 mean) (mean Xj1 - mean Xj2)
wij is a matrix in which the values of the variance and variance of target traits are used to analyze the genetic diversity level
calculation steps are conducted in the following order
1. ANOVA and ANCOVA analysis of target traits
genotype 2. Find the variance and the wrong phenotype, genotype and where wrong with the wrong phenotype
3. Arrange the matrix of variance values and the corresponding false case in columns and rows of the matrix [G] genotype and [P] phenotype. In the general case, we can just use the matrix [G]. Where layout without repeated experiments, and with the wrong variance is calculated according to a series of numbers, no table ANOVA and ANCOVA, we only have a single matrix.
4. Prize matrix manner presented a "pivotal" (type root rat tail). The left-hand side of the system is a matrix equation of the variance values, wrong case. On the right is the corresponding unit matrix. For example, if we analyze the target of 4 traits, will be the unit matrix
Var 1 Var 2 Cova2.3 Cova1.2 Cova2.4 Cova1.4 Cova1.3
3 Cova3.4 Var
Var 4
5. Convert the value of the variable. For example, we have 4 traits objectives, the conversion value will be calculated according to the following formula:
Y1 = ----------------------- ---
(σ2X1) 1/2
which is σ2X1 variance of traits 1 AX1 + X2
Y2 = -------------------------- (A) 1/2,
where a is the coefficient of the results column 1 of the equation (2) in the matrix when calculating unit. A coefficient is the result of the left-hand side when first calculated, corresponding to the equation (2)
bX1 CX2 + X3 + Y3 = ----------------- -
(b) 1/2,
where b is the coefficient of the results of column 1, column 2 c of the equation (3), in the matrix when computing units, and b is the number of coefficients results first on the left hand side of equation (3)
EX1 + FX2 + X4 + Y4 = --------------------------- GX3
(C ) 1/2,
where e is the coefficient of the results of column 1, column 2 f, 3 g of columns in the equation (4), in the matrix when computing units, and C are coefficients result of the first of the left-hand side of equation (4)
Thus we will have a system of equations switch values with the values and practices of
6. Tabulation new value and then calculate the squared
population 1 Y1
Y2 ...
... Y3
Y4 ...
2 ... ... ... ...
D (1-2) the difference between 1 and 2
D2 (1-2) average difference between 1 and 2 = the Σdi2
Similarly, we calculate the square of each pair of genotypes in the analysis of genetic diversity of populations. Example:
D2 (1-3), D2 (1-4), D2 (1-5), .... D2 (1-n) D2 (2-3), D2 (2-4), .. .................. D2 (2-n)
.......................... ....................................... D2 (10-11), .... D2 ............................ (10-n)
D2 ([n-1] -n )
basis of the value of D2, we conducted grouped according to the following order:
Tocher method:
Rating under the same cluster group kh
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